When You May Need A Liver Transplant Surgery?

when you need liver transplant surgery

We all love to enjoy our tasty food and a drink during our happy hour. But do we realise how this happy hour affects our health and other organs of our body? The liver is one of the most abused organs because of excessive alcoholism. The liver weighing 3 pounds, situated below the diaphragm, is responsible for our body’s wide range of functions. It maintains the cholesterol level in our body, helps in the digestion of fats, and also aids in removing alcohol and other toxins from our bloodstreams. But what if the liver fails to execute these functions.

It will affect your body and living extensively. Thus, it needs a cure. One of the most recommended cures for end-stage liver diseases is a liver transplant. A liver transplant is an invasive procedure. This surgery should be performed with extreme precision to decrease postoperative complications. Thus, increasing liver transplant survival rate. But what are the conditions that lead to liver transplantation? Let us know more about it in detail.

Causes of liver damage 

  • Primary liver cancer
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Polycystic disease
  • Wilson’s disease
  • Acute liver disease
  • Primary biliary Cirrhosis
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency
  • Veno-occlusive disease
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis B
  • A failed liver transplant

Besides, there can be issues related to lifestyle and accidents causing liver damage. Thus, it is up to the doctor to detect the problem and start the treatment. Liver Transplant in India is a process that needs patience and strong will power by the patient to overcome the complex procedure. Also, proper medication and lifestyle have to be maintained post the surgery.

liver damage causes

Conditions Leading to Liver Transplant

  • Chronic hepatitis infections

Hepatitis is an infection of the liver which results in inflammation of the liver cells. This inflammation halts the functions of the liver, which in turn affects the individual’s overall health. Thus, digestion suffers, causing various issues to the body. If these infections are long-standing and chronic, this eventually leads to liver failure and thus liver transplant. Moreover, in the initial phase, a person with the virus does not show any symptoms. It is detected mostly in the later stages. Hence, it is better to get a timely diagnosis of your liver within 3-6 months. The regular check-up will help you keep the powerhouse of the body healthy.. 

  • Alcoholic overconsumption 

It is the most common cause of liver failure and end-stage liver disease. The liver is responsible for removing toxins and alcohol from our bloodstreams. But when the body is abused with excessive alcohol intake, the liver fails to exhibit its functions. All these lead to liver failure. Thus, the body starts deteriorating following the adverse condition and the entire digestive system collapses. In these cases, rehabilitation plays an important role for an addict. So, along with the treatment, giving up alcohol completely is essential for the patient. It will have a positive effect for the new liver to adjust and settle normally with other body organs. 

Read more: What Are the Different Stages Of Liver Failure?

  • Fatty liver

The liver is responsible for fat digestion by releasing bile juice. Sometimes due to some disorders, this fat starts accumulating in the liver. It eventually results in fatty liver. This condition, when it arises from unknown reasons, is known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. However, one may reverse it by early detection, exercise and medication. Also, during the treatment, it is advised to intake food that has low calories. Staying away from fat generating food is better to mitigate the issue. Otherwise, the treatment may have less to no effect on your body.

  • Autoimmune disease

This condition arises when the body starts attacking its liver. Autoimmune hepatitis is one of those conditions in which the liver cells are inflamed, affecting the liver’s functions leading to liver failure. Other conditions like primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis affect the liver’s bile duct. It leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver. Thus, leading to further complications. So, the person with the disorder starts to feel uneasy as the digestion goes kaput. Therefore, it is important to improve your lifestyle hacks. 


Liver diseases are curable if treated on time. But if ignored may lead to major compilations and problems. Also, that may put a hole in your pocket. The liver is an important organ of our body and leaves a major impact on our day-to-day life. Ignoring a liver ailment might cost you a lot. Book your appointment now and get rid of the liver ailments as soon as possible. It’ll ensure you have a healthy life. However, one needs to cast away the indulgence that aggravates liver corrosion or damage. 

Also, consulting the Liver Transplant Surgeon in india regularly is important for protecting your liver from potential harm or disease. So, the post-transplant period is equally important for a patient.

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