symptoms of liver diseases in children

Symptoms of Liver Diseases in Children

The symptoms of liver disease vary greatly between individuals. Although adults can watch out for themselves, it is important to keep a close watch on children for any signs of liver problems. The symptoms may include Itching of skin: Children might itch their skin very often due to excessive build-up of bile in the body.

Loss of appetite: This is another symptom of liver disease, which leads to inadequate supply of Nutrients to the body, causing Malnutrition.

Pale stool: If you notice pale stool, this can be an indication that the liver is not making adequate Bilirubin (a pigment responsible for the color of stool).

Easy bleeding/bruising: Easy Bruising is a symptom of deficiency of Vitamin K. You might notice this symptom if the liver is not able to utilize Vitamin K.

Bone fractures: Bone fractures can occur if a child is suffering from any liver disease. Although there can be other reasons, but Liver Ailment also leads to decreased thickness of Bones (bone density).

When to consult a doctor?

If you notice any of the below symptoms, consult a Liver specialist immediately:

  • Yellowing of the Skin and whites of the eyes (Jaundice)
  • Dark Urine or light-colored stool (Indication of excessive buildup of bilirubin)
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Fever
  • Swelling in the Abdomen (An indication of enlarged liver or spleen or ascites

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