What is the treatment for alcoholic liver disease?

What is the treatment for alcoholic liver disease

When the liver gets damaged by the excessive consumption of alcohol or liquor, then it is known as alcohol liver disease. This is because it makes the liver swollen and inflamed. The damage might also cause cirrhosis, the scarring of liver tissue which is the final stage of liver disease. In India, many people are suffering from the issues associated with the intake of more alcohol which has become one of the common health problems among the public.

Different stages of alcoholic liver diseases

Mentioned below are the different stages of alcohol-related ailments.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease

It is the initial stage of disease in which the fat begins to store around the liver. However, it can be cured by quitting alcohol and not consuming it anymore.

Acute alcoholic hepatitis

More consumption of alcohol makes the liver swollen and causes inflammation in this stage. The level of damage decides the real outcome. In some cases, treatment can reverse the damage, while more severe cases of alcoholic hepatitis can lead to liver failure.

Alcoholic cirrhosis

The stage is the most severe one of the alcohol-related issues. At this point, the liver is scarred from alcohol abuse, and the damage cannot be undone. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure.

Symptoms of alcoholic liver diseases

Mentioned below are some of the major signs and symptoms observed in people who are having any issues associated with the liver. The symptoms are more observed after binge drinking.

  • nausea
  • jaundice
  • abdominal discomfort
  • increased thirst
  • swelling in the legs and abdomen
  • weight loss
  • loss of appetite
  • red hands or feet
  • dark bowel movements
  • fatigue
  • unusual agitation
  • mood swings
  • confusion
  • bleeding gums
  • darkening or lightening of the skin
  • enlarged breasts (in men)

Treatment of liver from an alcohol-related ailment

Mentioned below are some of the major treatment ways through which people can cure the issues. 

> Quit alcohol

Doctors always suggested that people who are diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis should quit drinking alcohol and never think about drinking again. If they do not stop drinking, the liver disease will worsen and possibly reverse liver damage. They might also suffer from a lot of life-threatening health issues. 

People who cannot quit alcohol must consult a doctor who can help them by recommending some therapies that help them leave it. Those who cannot quit drinking in a single go or stop suddenly can start consuming less every day. After a while, their habit will end. Then, they can make a plan according to their issues and solutions.

Treatment might include:

  • Medications
  • Counselling
  • Outpatient or residential treatment program
  • Alcoholics Anonymous or other support groups

> Treatment for the malnutrition

An individual suffering from alcoholic-related problems also faces nutritional problems. The doctors recommend that people visit a dietitian who provides a properly nutritious diet. They help people by guiding them on what to eat and drink and what amount. They also help improve the consumption of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. 

Some individuals face issues as they won’t be able to eat properly. People with trouble eating are recommended to go ahead with the tube feeling. A thin tube is passed down through the throat or your side and into your stomach. A special nutrient-rich liquid diet is then passed through the tube.

> Medicines to remove or reduce the liver inflammation

The doctors recommend that people take a few medications if they have severe alcoholic hepatitis. Mentioned below are names of some medicines which people need to eat as the doctors prescribe them. 

> Corticosteroids

These medications only show some short-term benefits in increasing the survival of certain people with severe alcoholic hepatitis. However, corticosteroids have serious side effects and are generally not prescribed if you have failing kidneys, gastrointestinal bleeding or an infection. Pentoxifylline

A doctor might recommend this medication if you can’t take corticosteroids. It is anti-inflammatory. The benefit of pentoxifylline (Pentoxil) for alcoholic hepatitis isn’t clear. Several study results are inconsistent about it.

> Liver transplantation

People who have alcoholic-related liver ailments have a higher chance of dying. The only way left for them to live a healthy life is by getting a liver transplant. For the transplant to be an option, you would need:

  • Find a program that works with liver transplant patients with alcoholic hepatitis.
  • To meet the program’s requirements, which would include a lifelong commitment to alcohol abstinence and other requirements of the specific transplant centre.

Risk factors associated with alcohol-related issues

The risk of the issues increases if:

  • Often drink heavily
  • Binge drink
  • Poor nutrition
  • Family history in the same field

The bottom line

Several people are suffering from alcoholic liver ailments. It makes the life of an individual shorter. Therefore, people should stop drinking alcohol completely. However, it’s not too late to change lifestyle habits if you or a loved one drinks excessively. If you are suffering from a liver issue, visit the best transplant doctor in India. 

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