9 Essential Tips On Keeping Your Liver Healthy

9 Essential Tips On Keeping Your Liver Healthy

The liver is probably the most complex and most important organ of a human body. While most organs perform a limited set of functions, the liver is responsible for performing over 500 functions to run the human body. Some major functions include disposal of toxins, regulation of sex hormones, continuous supply of energy to the body with, and maintaining an appropriate level of essential vitamins & minerals in the body.

It is the responsibility of every individual to ensure the proper functioning of the liver throughout life. But how? While it may be impossible to manage all risk factors, there are some easy steps that you can take to keep your liver healthy. And you don’t have to scratch your head and don’t have to research any further. Here is a list of tips from experts that must be followed on a daily basis.

1. Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Although our liver is capable of processing some quantity of alcohol, drinking too much alcohol can lead to the destruction of liver cells, built-up of fat, inflammation, cancer, etc. To ensure that the organ performs all the functions well, drinking alcohol in limit is suggested by specialists.

9 Essential Tips On Keeping Your Liver Healthy

2. Maintain Healthy Weight: Individuals who do not maintain a healthy weight are at risk of liver scarring, failure, etc. Many research studies have proved a strong correlation between liver-related ailments and individuals with a heavy body. It is thus imperative to keep a check on weight.

3. Eat Healthy: While eating healthy food is suggested by all doctors for ensuring a healthy life, it is especially recommended for patients to prevent liver-related ailments. Avoiding food rich in refined and saturated fat is advised by liver specialists.

9 Essential Tips On Keeping Your Liver Healthy

4. Stay Hydrated: Water affects the thickness of blood; making is thick or thin for the liver to purify. The liver, responsible for filtering blood requires additional efforts to purify thick blood in comparison to thin blood. Thus, drinking water helps in easy purification of blood. Additionally, a dehydrated body also affects the liver’s ability to detoxify the body. Drinking water, in accordance with the body’s demand, is suggested by specialists.

5. Practice Safe Sex: The risk of developing or transferring Hepatitis B or C increases in case of unsafe sex or sex with multiple partners. Individuals must exhibit proper caution while performing any kind of sexual activity. Additionally, taking a medical history of the sexual partner in advance is also a great approach to prevent transmission of liver-related diseases.

6.Get Vaccinated: To prevent your body from Hepatitis A or B and other infections, vaccinations are commonly recommended by specialists. These vaccinations are commonly available at hospitals and clinics. Individuals must get vaccinated timely after consulting a doctor.

9 Essential Tips On Keeping Your Liver Healthy

7. Careful Consumption of Traditional Medication: Some home remedies and traditional medicines contain heavy metals and toxins. These toxins can create pressure on the liver and decreases its efficiency. So, it is important to consume traditional medication after proper research.

8. Avoid Fad Diets: Many dieticians suggest a diet that promises a quick weight loss in a very short time. While such diets do reduce the weight of an individual quickly, they may also negatively affect the liver function. To prevent your liver, ask your dietician to recommend a diet healthy for the liver and guarantees weight loss too.

9. Avoid Contaminated Needles: While getting blood tests at laboratories or hospital, ensure the needle used by the laboratory worker is fresh and unused. Such needles can lead to blood contamination, further leading to liver diseases.

These are the most important tips that an individual should follow for a healthy life. These simple yet effective tips can save you from the burden of the cost of liver transplant in India by keeping diseases from becoming life-threatening. For more details and personalized care, meet Dr Vivek Vij- a renowned Liver Transplant Surgeon in india with more than 20 years of experience. He also offers several liver care packages at great prices.

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