10 Healthy Food Items That Naturally Cleanse Your Liver

10 healthy food items that naturally cleanse your liver

The liver is the most vital organ in the human body which is responsible for the purification of blood from harmful chemicals and toxins that reach the liver from the digestive tract. The malfunctioning of the liver can cause severe complications in the body which can ultimately lead to a person’s demise. Thus, it is essential to take care of one’s liver through the intake of healthy, liver-supportive food. Have a look at a wide variety of food that keeps your liver healthy.

1. Garlic

Garlic is a very popular food item, which is known for its ability to fight infections naturally. Allicin and Selenium, two natural compounds present in garlic, protect the liver from further damage. It also contains sulfur-containing compounds, which accelerate the release of vital liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body.


2. Red Grapes:

A fruit rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, grapes favor the formation of liver enzymes that play an indispensable part in removing carcinogens from the human body. Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances. As a powerful diuretic, red grapes are known to enhance the functioning of the liver.

3. Root Vegetables:

Flavonoids present in root vegetables augment the purification ability of the liver by multiple times. Beta-carotene (present in significant amounts in carrots) ensures proper liver functioning.

4. Green Tea:

This liver-healthy drink is replete with plant antioxidants, particularly, catechin — an antioxidant which removes free radicals from the liver and stimulates overall liver functioning. As per Dr. Vivek Vij, a famous liver transplant surgeon in India, although green tea is liver-supportive, green tea extract is rather harmful to the liver.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables:

Rich in chlorophyll, leafy green vegetables, most importantly, bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens and chicory, act as a natural booster for drawing out impurities from the liver as well as the body. They also nullify the effects of harmful chemicals on the liver.

6. Avocados:

Avocados stimulate the production of glutathione, an antioxidant that helps the liver detoxify the blood. Besides, it also helps renew tissues and cells. Introduce them to your regular diet as they can improve bile synthesis and bless your body with a healthy liver.

7. Apples:

Pectin, a naturally-occurring substance present in large amounts in apples, helps flush out harmful toxins from the digestive tract and lowers the toxins-removal load on the liver.

8. Citrus Fruits:

Being rich sources of Vitamin C, lemons and limes favor the conversion of toxic chemicals into water-soluble compounds; thereby aiding the liver in detoxifying blood. For calorie-conscious people, you must note that lemon juice is low in calories.

9. Tomato:

Rich in chlorine and sulfur, tomatoes help the liver function properly and help dissolve gallstones. It also protects the liver from congestion. Glutathione, a compound present in substantial quantities in tomatoes, improves the detoxification ability of the liver. Apart from this, lycopene (present in tomatoes) provides resistance to the body against deadly lung cancer.

10. Turmeric:

Curcumin (present in turmeric) is effective in fighting liver cancer and improving liver fibroids. Turmeric also repairs damaged liver tissues and promotes the overall health of the liver.

Besides the consumption of the above-mentioned food items, avoid fatty, fried, and canned (pre-packaged) food since it can harm your liver by disrupting its natural process of blood purification.

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